GBGB Statement – Sunday Mirror and the export of greyhounds
The Greyhound Board of Great Britain notes that today’s story in the Sunday Mirror does not name any GBGB licensed trainers or identify any GBGB registered greyhounds.
The GBGB reiterates its previously issued guidance that “The wellbeing of greyhounds is at the core of GBGB’s conviction to provide robust regulation for licensed greyhound racing and ensuring the highest standards of care for all greyhounds that fall within its responsibility. Involvement in the export of greyhounds to jurisdictions where welfare standards cannot be verified is not acceptable and GBGB will employ the full powers available to it to prohibit individuals from deliberately undermining the good reputation of licensed greyhound racing in Great Britain.”
Further, GBGB advises that licensees may be in breach of GBGB Rules of Racing 18 and 152 should they be found to be involved in, or acquiesces in, the export of greyhounds to jurisdictions where welfare standards cannot be verified.
Information relating to the sale, advertisements, or social media requests offering to purchase or acquire greyhounds in unusual circumstances should be passed to the GBGB Welfare & Integrity Department, who will investigate and take action if necessary. Anybody with any information should contact the GBGB 0207 822 0900 or by emailing