Injury and Retirement

As a country of animal lovers and sports lovers, it is vital that animal welfare is at the heart of greyhound racing.

We demand the highest standards of welfare from all our owners, trainers and racetracks and are proud to oversee a sport with world-class integrity.

This approach is encapsulated within our Greyhound Commitment. Launched in 2018, this eight-point manifesto has been welcomed by owners, trainers and wider stakeholders and has quickly become the blueprint for how our industry is run.

We have built upon the Commitment with our new long-term welfare strategy 'A Good Life for Every Greyhound', launched in 2022, to further promote and protect welfare across all stages of a racing greyhound's life.
Read our strategy Our Greyhound Commitment

Publishing Key Data

Each year, alongside updating on our Greyhound Commitment, we publish national injury and retirement data for our licensed stadia. This can be found below.

Our independently-verified injury rates are world class and, through our Greyhound Commitment and our long-term welfare strategy ‘A Good Life for Every Greyhound’, we are determined to reduce these still further.

Independent Veterinary Surgeons are present at all GBGB licensed tracks to check the health and wellbeing of every greyhound both before and after racing, and to provide emergency care in the event that any dog needs it.

For more information about injuries in greyhound racing, see our Veterinary Director’s blog.

Annual Injury and Retirement Data

2023 Data Summary

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2023 Injury and Retirement Data

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2022 Data Summary

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2022 Injury and Retirement Data

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2021 Data Summary

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2021 Injury and Retirement Data

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Greyhound Commitment Update

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2020 Injury and Retirement Data

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Greyhound Commitment Update

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2019 Injury and Retirement Data

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Greyhound Commitment Update

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2018 Injury and Retirement Data

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2017 Injury and Retirement Data

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